A Brief History Of Braces


Braces as we know them have been around for decades, but people have been trying to straighten their teeth since ancient times. The fixed metal brace that most of us are familiar with dates back centuries, but major developments were made in the field of Orthodontics in the 1970’s, when dentists used direct bonding to produce bonded brackets for the first time.

Problems With Fixed Braces

Fixed braces have something of a bad reputation, even though they have helped millions of people all over the world to achieve a more attractive smile and enjoy the benefits of a better bite. Patients who had fixed metal braces in previous generations complained that braces were uncomfortable and made it difficult to eat; there were also problems with speech and people found it difficult to clean their teeth properly, which meant that many patients found that their teeth were stained when their braces came off.

Modern Braces

The field of Orthodontics has advanced enormously over the last 15 years and a host of treatments are now available; even fixed braces have come a long way and they are now lighter, finer and more discreet than even before.

Popular modern brace treatments include removable appliances, such as the Inman Aligner, Invisalign and Clearstep, cutting-edge fixed braces such as Six Month Smiles and Damon braces and lingual braces, such as STb Social 6 lingual braces. To find out more about quality invisible braces, it would be beneficial to look up invisible braces Chelsea, as quality treatments are available in that area.

Removable appliances are beneficial for patients because they give patients freedom and flexibility; however, the success of treatment is heavily dependent on the patient wearing the appliance for the recommended time every day.

Modern fixed braces, such as Damon braces and Six Month Smiles are very popular, as they are more comfortable and discreet than traditional fixed braces and they also work much faster.

Lingual braces are a great solution for image-conscious patients and they are very popular with adults. STb Social 6 braces, which are applied to the back of the teeth to make them invisible to others, produce results very quickly as they focus on the ‘social 6’, the teeth at the front of the mouth that are visible when you smile.

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